Friday, August 25, 2023


Teeth Restoration Protocol

Rich's awesome results

Drill and fill dentist examined me June 26 and wanted to drill 8 teeth.  Aug 29 went to a biological dentist who thought my protocol was great and told me to keep it up.  Just saw 2 areas where I should pay special attention, i.e. - be sure to floss & brush more frequently. 

What he did:

Start day with a swish and rinse of Dr. Schulze’s Oral Therapy.

Oil pulling ~10 min with coconut oil in am and pm.

Breakfast – sprouted wheat berries (~ 1 ½ cups to 2 cups) with 1 or 2 bananas and coconut flakes to taste.  Often sprinkled cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice.  The rationale is that life begets life and death begets death.  My slow-cooked oatmeal most likely would not have sprouted if I planted it in the ground, so I went with sprouts which contains the energy and nutrients for growth, and hence, healing.  David Christopher from the School of Natural Healing nudged me in this direction.

Green smoothie every day.  40 oz.  I made by packing 60 oz blender with greens and adding ~ 12 oz water then blending.  Once liquefied, I added enough greens to fill it to the top again, topping with 3-4 stalks of celery (for mineral content) and blending again.  I then added some frozen fruit (usually mixed berried or blueberries) and a banana.

I switched out coffee and used roasted chicory root and ramon seed tea instead which are alkaline instead of acidic.   The brand is Teccino. Their French Roast Organic is the best coffee substitute i’ve tried.  A little goes a long way.  If you buy the box with the tea bags, you can reuse the bags for a second cup because it doesn’t take long to get a full strength cup so the grounds don’t get depleted.

Swished and swallowed a comfrey decoction several times a day.  The goal – consume 1 qt./day.  I often only did 1 pt./day.  To say it’s bitter is an understatement.  The taste buds that taste sweetness are in the front of the tongue while the ones that taste bitterness are at the back of the tongue.  The comfrey decoction isn’t too bitter while you’re swishing in your mouth.  Only after swallowing it do you taste it in your throat.  

Water Picked my teeth 2x/day with 4 droppers of Dr. Schulze Tooth and Gum in the reservoir.  This was after the oil pulling.

I flossed after meals.  Then did a swish and rinse with Dr. Schulze Oral Therapy.  Occassionally I brushed afterwards too, but was not always convenient to do so at work.

I brushed with “regular” (organic, non-fluoride) toothpaste then brushed with Dr. Christopher’s Herbal Tooth & Gum Powder.  I spit it out, but did not rinse, leaving it to sit on my teeth and gums.  In the morning, before leaving I would rinse it by swishing with Dr. Schulze’s Oral Therapy.

Before bed I made a compress for my trouble spots.  I took 2 parts Herbal Tooth & Gum Powder and 1 part comfrey root powder and mixed it in a small jar.  I then dripped 3 drops of Dr. Christopher’s X-Ceptic in the mixture to create a small glob which I fished out with a spoon.  I rolled it into a cigar shape and placed it at a trouble spot along the teeth & gum line and left it over night.  



- turn burner on to simmer comfrey decoction

- Swish with Oral Therapy

- Oil Pull 10 min.

- water pick with Tooth & Gum

- brush teeth with Herbal Tooth Powder

- Make sprout breakfast

- Make green smoothie

- Swish with Oral Therapy

- Swish and swallow comfrey (note: the U.S. Government has deemed comfrey as being dangerous to take internally. This is most likely because it is a highly effective healing agent which has positive properties that no patented drug can reproduce.)


- coffee substitute

- floss after eating

- swish with Oral Therapy after flossing (I took 2 doses to work in a small bottle)

- green smoothie throughout day

- swish and swallow the comfrey decoction more often than you would like to


- swish and swallow comfrey (at least a couple more times)

- floss after dinner

- swish with Oral Therapy

- Coconut Oil Pulling

- Waterpick with Tooth & Gum

- brush teeth with Herbal Tooth & Gum Poweder

- make Tooth & Gum/comfrey/X-Ceptic paste for tooth and gum trouble spots

Comfrey Decoction recipe:

5.5 -6 oz. (by weight, not volume) of Dr. Christopher’s Complete Bone & Tissue (previously called BF&C)

Here is where we bought this, they have free shipping if $25+: The same site sells the Dr. Christopher Herbal Tooth & Gum Powder.

Add to 1 gallon of filtered water (reverse osmosis or distilled is best) in stainless steel pot (not aluminum or ceramic) and let soak overnight.

Upon waking in the morning turn on the burner to bring to a simmer.

Reduce to 1 quart then strain into a 1 qt mason jar.

Refrigerate any unused portion.  

For Dr. Schulze products:   Call 1-800-HERB-DOC or go to

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